
Prophecy Update of January 13th

The first update of the new year! WOOT! Well most of us are either back at schooling now or resuming our jobs now that the vacation ended about a week ago for most of us. We are sorry for the delayed update, but we figured the last update was about the episode, so we let that sink in....

Speaking of episodes, many of you out there were wondering about episode 3...

Anonymous Fan : ZOMG! Come on brah!? Where be mah episode 3? hrmm?

Well, rest assured, we are working long and hard on it. Alot of it was complete this weekend as we got most of the action sequences squared away with. Speaking of action.... Theres tons of it in this next episode that we may have to consider splitting it!

And since you've been depraved of something newsworthy (and cuz I am so lazy enough to not put up screens of the next episode), I asked Pirate Bay Studios to whip up a preview of the upcoming episode. Cheers!

Quicktime :/11.7mb
WMV :/3.69mb

Enjoy those teasers and until next time! Peace out!