
Prophecy Update of November 24th

This is an update to say that a new teaser/trailer for prophecy is out by Dispatch Films. It is named “Sands”, and Is made along with another full length trailer and a teaser, which are currently in production as we speak.

Watch from youtube HERE
Or watch the WMV file HERE :/41mb

There is a bit of bad news and good news. I think we should start off with the bad news. Well, the release date has been pushed back to 07.12.07 (That's December 7th, 2007 to avoid misconceptions). The good news is that the reason why it is being pushed back, is to made the CGI scenes and other elements of the epidsode a lot better to watch, and to frankly, make it even more awesome then it is already looking!

Some of the members of Dispatch Films are taking a vacation at the moment, which means we will not be able to shoot episode two until they are back. But, that gives us a lot more time to write up future episodes!

As an additional piece of news, you can download the Prophecy screensaver for Windows XP, HERE

Expect to see a trailer and at least two more teasers as we are getting closer to the release date of Episode 1! Keep posting on the Forums guys!


Prophecy Update of November 17th

Just a quick and fast update this week. Episode 1 is reaching its final stages on editing, I myself am polishing up the opening credits for the episode, giving it a nice, cinematic look and feel. Everything looks great and the voice acting is top-notch.

Besides editing, I was able to get a lot of notes done on the series, reaching Episode 8 so far. I am shooting for at least 10 for this installment alone, each episode coming in anywhere between 6-8 minutes long (with the exception of episode 1, which may come in anywhere between 9-13 minutes in length, uncut at least).

Saw some awesome CGI shots from our animations director, and it looks absolutely amazing. Nabsuh is really improving and making this series the best he can.

That's about it for now, our camera man, AoD Deadite, is on a well-deserved vacation and won't be back until the 26th, so episode 2 production won't begin until then. Until next week folks, hopefully you can get that video treat I promised as well. Peace out!


Prophecy Update of November 3rd

Another long, tough week for us at Dispatch Films. Loads of filming, editing, and voice acting done this week. I myself must have logged at least 18 hours of editing in total for the new episode itself, which by the way, is now at 33% completion. Just to pump you guys up, the entire first four minutes of the first episode is pure action and spectacular drama. Believe it or not, we are actually ahead of schedule. Shocked

Many thanks go to AoD Deadite, Fireandice31 and loads of others who helped out this week. Aod Deadite, our cameraman, has literally been working his HONK! off this week, but the rewards have been very satisfactory. The crew must have done at least five retakes of each scene, just to nail it perfectly. After all, that is what we want, a perfect story.

Last week's update hauled in a lot of attention and awesome feedback. I am very glad that everyone enjoyed the "Hope" teaser that we modeled after Halo 3's "Believe" commercials. The day after it released, the forums received its highest number of users at the same time. 28 users on October 28th! Pretty freaky.

Now, many of you have asked, will Prophecy retain its original story? Or is it going to be a whole different plot? Well, yes, and no. You will just have to wait and see. With only 3 weeks and 6 days remaining, Episode 1: The Threshold of War, will be making its December release as planned. Who knows? We may just surprise you with an early release or another video treat. Wink

For those of you doubting us out there, here are a couple of screenshots of a few finalized scenes from Episode 1.